
The Nature Kit

Réf KIT-N Category Boxes and Kits

The Nature Kit consists of 3 simple, effective products for a gentle shaving routine.

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1 x Alun Stone, Rasage

The Alun Stone thanks to its astringent and antibacterial properties is a natural and effective after shaving. Always used by the barbers, the Pierre d'Alun will calm the fire of the razor, limit the irritation due to the shaving, and resolve the cut problems.

1 x Coprah oil, Chamomile and Citron Format-45ml

Coprah Island in Camomille and Lemon

So simple and so complete!!

1 x Wooden bowls in Raser-Original

200 grams of soap to shaving in a wooden bowl shot by a local craftsman.

These bowls are generously filled to the spoon with freshly saponified beard soap. We let them dry from 6 to 8 months in the manufacturing workshop... You will have in your hands a soap with exceptional quality and longevity!

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